Doesn’t it bother you that your entire answer is based on how women have to deal with terrible men? Don’t you think there is more nuance to these issues? All I hear from you is the same, tired, feminist world-view created by viewing only pro-feminist content and never hearing reasonable views from outside your bubble.
Don’t you think the orgasm gap is largely due to biology? A female orgasm is harder to achieve than a male orgasm. Isn’t it obvious that there will end up being a gap?
Yes. Sexless men are more likely to move into extreme ideologies. What’s the problem? Sexless women don’t tend to commit violence because women are biologically less inclined towards violence. Didn’t you study evolution? Men commit physical violence, women commit reputational violence(and more likely to harm themselves). Men and women are psychological programmed to be more likely to commit different kinds of violence.
The world is more complicated than fitting every single thing into a “the patriarchy" world-view