Honestly, a lot of young people don't really have an understanding of the ways men have contributed to our world. The modern narrative is "Go women!". I think you'd be surprised as to just how much the pendulum has swung the other way if you talk to people under the age of 30.
Yeah, I mean, men are not superior. It's as simple as that. Neither are women. So I don't agree with Tate.
The thing is, surely there are just less women who made scientific discoveries, which is why it's harder to name one. (Marie Curie comes to mind). It's not necessarily because I've been brainwashed by the patriarchy or something.
Of course, a big reason for this is because women were prevented from getting involved in science. But I have to say, I do believe men are more inclined to dedicate their lives to something like science in an extreme way. Men like Nicholas Tesla and Einstein didn't exactly lead lives of balance. I do believe men are more likely to live their lives in an extreme way, while women prefer a more balanced life, caring more about friends, family and so on. I believe this is a biological, not a cultural, reason why there are more famous male scientists.