I'm not dying on any hill. I'm not defending the Tates, I'm defending the system of law and the right to a proper trial.
I'd defend the right for any scumbag to not have their reputation destroyed in the media before receiving an actual verdict.
And yes, exactly the mainstream media have been captured by corporations. And the way they write about Tate is completely misleading.
When the media states he's under arrest for "human trafficking", what image does that conjure in your mind? To me, I imagine women being smuggled into a shipping container, or into the boot of a car, and drugged and pimped.
That's not even close to what the Tates have done. They've used a manipulative "lover boy" method. Nobody was kidnapped, nobody was forced against their will and the women were even paid a salary higher than the average in the country where they're from.
To simply label that as "human trafficking" and "sex trafficking" in the media and give hundreds of millions of across the world the impression that they're hardened criminals involved in one of the most disgusting illegal trades in the world is honestly completely out of order. They're not that level of criminal.
People make up all kinds of nonsense about the Tates here on Medium and in the MSM.
People continued to claim that Hustler's University was a "scam". But it wasn't. Back in 2022, I paid a mere $50 for a course on copywriting through Hustler's University and it was honestly excellent.
I learnt so much in that course about copywriting, and it was far cheaper than anything else out there.
So when people described Hustler's University as a "scam" and a "pyramid scheme", they look ridiculous to me.
People have absolutely no ability to be objective about the Tates and allow their emotions to get riled up in anger by the mainstream media.
Why is there less anger for a figure like George Bush (responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people) than for Andrew Tate? Because the mainstream media control the emotions of the public.