1 min readNov 10, 2019


It’s certainly not the dominant narrative in 2019. Psychological gender differences are completely ignored.

What I hear are feminists complaining that there aren’t enough women working in tech and immediately assuming that this is because of patriarchy — never even considering that the reason could be gender differences in psychology.

Right now the dominant narrative is patriarchy. And it’s false.

That’s right not all men are aggressive. And not all women nurture. But on average they tend to be. Due to evolutionary psychology. Not due to patriarchy.

Men are more masculine because they’re genetically predisposed to be so. Not because they were taught to be that we by the patriarchy.

Women are feminine because they’re genetically predisposed to be so. Not because they were taught to be that way by the patriarchy.

Any conversation about masculinity or femininity must include evolutionary psychology. Otherwise you’re only only ever talking about one half of the issue.

It’s great to drop the stereotypes. But unless people stop pretending we’re all blank slates that are being taught everything by the patriarchy, the majority will continue to either ignore or be put off by articles like these. Because they can feel in their bones that much of it simply isn’t true.



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