It’s great to hear someone talk about incels as if they’re human for a change.
We used to live in a regulated sexual market place. Women’s sexual behaviour was regulated by taboos and societal norms.
Now we live in an unregulated sexual market place. Women are free to have sex with and date whoever they please.
Unfortunately, women have a hypergamous nature. Meaning they’re particularly averse to men who have lower status than themselves.
No this isn’t a bro theory, it’s a behaviour among females that can be seen across multiple species. There’s a reason we have far more female ancestors than male ancestors.
In this unregulated sexual marketplace it’s almost guaranteed that there will be a group of men left at the bottom of the pile with very few options for women.
Polygamous societies are dangerous because this group of men at the bottom often get violent. Monogamous societies pair everyone up and stop the low status men being left alone.
At this point it becomes simple economics. The more polygamous our society gets, the more incels will be created.
This effect is amplified further by online dating, where low status men are even more neglected.
Still, it’s possible for any low-status man to look inside himself, make major life changes and bring himself out the incel gutter. But on a societal level, this problem isn’t going away if we continue to become more polygamous.