3 min readJun 9, 2019


Joe. Responding to you is time consuming because you go into so much detail. Bravo.

The “1 in 5 women are raped on college campuses” is hugely misleading.

First, lets use common sense. 1 in 5!? Seriously? This is the kind of statistic you would expect to see in a war zone!

1 in 5 includes: unwanted touching and unwanted kissing. Sorry, this isn’t rape. Men are always going to be doing the unwanted touching because men are the initiators of sex.

Also, when I did my research for a blog on Post-truth I was writing, I discovered that these “1 in 5” studies” have massive participation bias. They’re often opt-in studies. And women who have been raped are far more likely to opt in. And once again. 1 in 5. Really? Does this seem like an accurate statistic to you? Or does this seem like people finding the data they were looking for in the first place.

India is a rape culture. A common opinion in India is that if a woman is raped, she deserved it. We don’t live in a rape culture. Rape is ridiculed. Any man who rapes is seen as scum. And every single proven rapist goes straight to jail. To call this a rape culture just makes me scratch my head and make me think the world has gone insane.

Are there too many rapes in the western world? Yes. One is too many. Educate men about rape. Feminism doesn’t do this. It alienates men.

I agree that rape is something that mostly women have to deal with. False rape allegations and rape against men happen at very low percentages.

But then you can compare this with the homelessness problem that men have to deal with. (By the way, what kind of “patriarchy” has a disproportionately high number of men without access to a fucking house).

Which is worse? Homelessness or rape? Who knows. They’re both horrible. But while rape is an women’s issues talked about constantly on mainstream television (And in patronising advertising campaigns), male homelessness is never mentioned at all. Because nobody cares when men have problems. Even if they’re equivalent in horribleness.

I want to address creepy male messages. The women are victims here right? No. Let’s look closer. Why are men sending creepy messages to women? What would drive a person to do that? A lack of sexual options. Not toxic masculinity. People who have sex in the real world don’t send creepy messages.

There is what you might call a “Sex gap” between men and women. The main reason why millennials are having less sex is because young men are having less sex. The sexual marketplace is deregulated, so hypergamy insures that there is a massive pool of men with no access to sex. This is the reason for creepy messages and dick pics. These men aren’t entitled. They’re desperate.

It’s like me going to India (A British white man) getting followed around all day by people who want to sell to me (because they’re in poverty) and then me feeling like the victim for being harassed all day.

To conclude the rambling, rape is a massive problem. Men need to be educated about the scope of the problem. Feminism doesn’t help any of this. It distorts statistics to make the problem seem worse. It alienates men. It shames and patronises men who have never done anything wrong.

Sure, go ahead and tackle rape. It’s a worthy cause. But don’t bother with feminism. Because it’s an ideology that isn’t actually helping the problem.



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