Pride Month Is Making People Homophobic

Narcissistic LGBT activists make everything worse rather than better

4 min readJun 7, 2024
When will they stop adding new colours to this thing?

I like gay people.

Gay men. Lesbians. Bisexuals. They make life interesting.

At university, my friendship group consisted of 2 gay guys, 1 bisexual guy, 1 bisexual girl and only 1 straight guy.

I haven’t had much contact with trans people, but I have no problem with them either.

But I do not like the official LGBT movement. And I do not like pride month. For 4 main reasons:

1. The word “Pride”

When you say you are “proud” of being homosexual or transgender, I have to ask myself: why?

You’re “proud” just because you happened to be born a homosexual? Why would you be proud of that?

I’ve never understood why you would be “proud” to be an American. Or “proud” to be white. Or “proud” to be black.

You didn’t do anything. You were simply born that way. So why are you proud?

Pride should be reserved for things that you achieve or attain on your own.

Being LGBT doesn’t make you better or worse than anybody else. It just is. It’s fine. Nobody cares.

Being LGBT doesn’t make you special. The world is filled with mediocre gay men and mediocre lesbians, just as it’s filled with mediocre straight people.

Your sexuality is not important.

If you want to be proud, go and achieve something worth being proud of.

2. The fact that it’s an entire month

An entire month? Are you kidding me?

Why on earth do you need an entire month to celebrate being LGBT?

It’s just so obnoxious.

What other group gets an entire month to celebrate their identity? Even WW2 veterans, who really do have something to be proud of, only get a day here and there each year to be proud.

We should have a firefighters month. Or a nurses month. Or a doctors month. Or a police officers month. Or a teacher’s month.

You know, people who actually do something worth being proud of.

Why do we need Pride Month? I mean, really? An entire month?

3. The fact that there are LGBT flags plastered absolutely everywhere.

In any major city in the US, Canada, UK and Australia, you are certain to have your eyeballs assaulted with the obnoxiously bright, rainbow colours of the LGBT flag.

Why are these necessary?

LGBT zebra crossings. LGBT coloured stairs. Just why?

Why do these colours need to be blasted everywhere? What’s the purpose of this? Who is this supposed to be helping?

Just as I don’t like having advertising shoved in my face all the time, I also don’t like having LGBT colours shoved in my face.

Nowadays, I cross these LGBT zebra crossings and shake my head.

4. It makes people more homophobic, not less.

Personally, I have the ability to separate out the obnoxious and insufferable LGBT movement and pride month from LGBT individuals themselves.

But I know that a lot of people do not have this ability.

Resentment towards the LGBT flag that’s plastered all over the streets has been quietly building for years. A backlash is coming. I just hope the coming backlash isn’t violent.

A lot of homosexual individuals hate the LGBT flag just as much as I do:

It’s sad. Because there millions of homosexuals who are just trying to go about their business and they may end up on the receiving end of the coming backlash.

These “activists” usually make everything worse, rather than causing any positive change. By aggressively pushing the LGBT agenda all over western culture, they have created more homophobia.

People who were previously perfectly fine with people having same-sex relationships now feel resentment of the LGBT movement down in their guts.

The entire western world has long since accepted LGBT individuals as part of the overall culture. Why not simply stop there? Everything was going well until narcissistic activists had to continue to forcefully push the LGBT agenda into all of our faces.

There are a large number of less intelligent people with lower IQ’s who are going to become genuinely homophobic because of this.

So, no. I won’t be celebrating “pride” this month.



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