Thankyou for actually asking. No I am not saying we should not learn about historical conditions in America.
I'm saying that Americans should think of their own country as one country amongst hundreds of others, instead of thinking of it as the centre of the world. Having an American-centric world-view can cause people to come to false conclusions about how the world works.
Here's an example.
When you look around America you might see that men hold most of the positions of power. If you're somebody inside the American bubble, you might come to the conclusion that your culture massively discriminates against women.
If you have a global perspective, however, you'll quickly notice that the situation is exactly the same way across the entire planet. And if you spend a little time pondering on this situation around the world (and not just in America), you'll likely come to the conclusion that there's something built-in to human beings that keeps creating these "male dominated" societies around the world, in vastly different cultures.
Having a global perspective brings clarity on these kinds of issues. Being stuck in an American bubble leads to false conclusions about how the world works.