The modern day manosphere is pretty terrible, I agree. They focus far too much on money, looks and status.
And they blame feminism for absolutely everything. Feminism does have a lot to answer for, but they go way too far, and have stupid beliefs like "it's ok for men to cheat". Fresh and Fit really is a business above all else, and will simply say what they believe their audience wants to hear.
The original Red Pill was far more interesting. It was heavily based on Evolutionary Psychology and based on books like The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. The original Red Pill also had an underlying belief that any man could get hot women by taking on the right set of behaviours and internal mindsets.
The most valuable lesson of The Red Pill for men was that women are not Disney princesses who are attracted to romantic gestures like giving flowers, or declaring your undying love for them. Women often attracted to men who are powerful, have multiple women interested in him and men who exude the correct non-verbal cues (eye-contact, body language etc). The Red Pill taught men the darker sides of the relationship between men and women.
As a young guy, it was incredibly valuable to learn what women are actually attracted to in comparison with what was shown in movies and TV.